This is our favorite compression garment that focuses and targets our flabby tummy. This comes with suspenders which helps with better support of the tummy, tucking it in and pulling it up against gravity. With a firm hold on your tummy, it compresses in the right areas you require. With two layers of silky medical compression fabric, it is definitely the top pick among everyone.
Tummy Lift 包覆腰腹肚背臀,配備吊帶有助於更好地支撐腹部,並抵抗地深吸力,正確及適當進行加壓,有助收緊肌肉。兩層絲質醫用壓縮面料,絕對是大家的首選。
Tummy Lift
Fabric content: 51% Tactel Nylon, 45-49% Lycrosoft (Wink® patented COMPRESSASOFT® fabric) | 100% Latex and Formaldehyde Free
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